• 污染图片
    • 污染

    • 主演:马西米利亚诺·加洛,路易莎·拉涅瑞,萨尔瓦托雷·埃斯波西托,
    • 状态:更新HD中字
    • 导演:迭戈·奥利瓦雷斯
    • 类型:剧情
    • 简介:  Cosimo, a buffalo farmer, refuses to sell off hi...


    2017年导演迭戈·奥利瓦雷斯携手“TKIxnCgJ3”等主创团队发布了《污染》的首映会,与此同时在其它上映了污染的其它版高清视频! FTMPLFKRwoO1表示:“污染是一部精彩绝伦的剧情片电影,从一开邀请马西米利亚诺·加洛,路易莎·拉涅瑞,萨尔瓦托雷·埃斯波西托,南多·鲍勒,埃尔维斯·埃斯波西托,萨尔瓦多·罗科,詹纳罗·狄·科兰德雷亚,米利亚姆·坎达罗等演员加盟我就隐约觉得这必将是一部佳作!”



      Cosimo, a buffalo farmer, refuses to sell off his land to the family of the young mayor candidate. When he finds out he has a tumour caused by all the toxic waste that are illegally disposed of in the fields of the so-called “Land of Fires”, his wife decides to carry on his battlebbb
      Diego OlivaresDiego Olivares (1965) is a Neapolitan director, scriptwriter and dialogues writer. After directing some short films he embarks in the making of a documentary about the closing of the Frullone psychiatric hospital in Naples, Gli ultimi giorni del Frullone – Cronache da un manicomio nel 2000. In 2003, he directs his first feature film I chinghiali di Portici. In 2014, he directs the short film Canemalato produced by Figli del Bronx for Sky Cinema.

    爱美剧免费提供污染其它版下载,剧情用户还搜索了 马西米利亚诺·加洛,路易莎·拉涅瑞,萨尔瓦托雷·埃斯波西托,南多·鲍勒,埃尔维斯·埃斯波西托,萨尔瓦多·罗科,詹纳罗·狄·科兰德雷亚,米利亚姆·坎达罗

